Though time may pass, the memories stay,
Reminding me of happy days . . .
Among my fondest memories are special thoughts of you
And all the many nice things you would often say and do.

There are memories of the many times
You brightened up my days.
There are memories of your kindness
And your gentle, thoughtful ways.

There are memories of your laughter
And the times you'd smile your special smile,
Just knowing how you loved life
Made it all seem so worthwhile.

And when I recall these memories
As I go without you along life's way,
I find they grow more precious
With every passing day.


Sunday, May 5, 2013


I'm starting a new chapter in my life and want you all to come along and share it with me. I met Joe Cheney from Iowa last December while I was visiting my daughter in Madison, Wisconsin. We had met earlier online through LDS Singles. We went out to dinner, he spent all day Sunday with me and Tessa's family, and then he met me in Dubuque, Iowa to drive to Iowa City to see the new release movie, Les Miserables. At that time, I just randomly invited Joe to join Mark, Kaylinn and me in Disneyland the end of January. At first he just laughed . . . then he saw I was serious and accepted. He stayed in NorCal for several days and then we drove to SoCal for a total of two weeks together. We had so much fun, enjoyed traveling together and just being together.


Joe Cheney proposed to me at Adam Ondi Ahman February 15
I haven't entered a blog for the last year or so and now look forward to many more in the future as a new chapter in my life with Joe.  I will start a new blog page with the wedding and honeymoon so look me up on diandjoecheney.blogspot.com.

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