Though time may pass, the memories stay,
Reminding me of happy days . . .
Among my fondest memories are special thoughts of you
And all the many nice things you would often say and do.

There are memories of the many times
You brightened up my days.
There are memories of your kindness
And your gentle, thoughtful ways.

There are memories of your laughter
And the times you'd smile your special smile,
Just knowing how you loved life
Made it all seem so worthwhile.

And when I recall these memories
As I go without you along life's way,
I find they grow more precious
With every passing day.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

ONE YEAR AGO . . . a tribute to Jon

Looking back over the past year, it has been very challenging in all aspects of life. Adjusting to being single, having kids move in and out, helping where they can, running the pool business and tending to all the demands there, working at the tax office and trying to remain gracious and calm. Sometimes I don't think I'm going to make it as I run out of the desire to keep fighting. Then the miracle happens where the Lord picks me up and carries me. I need Him every hour because there's no way I could have managed this past year without divine help. I know Jon has been with me so many times, specifically helping me understand and do, and just feeling his love.

Over the past year, I purposely dismiss thoughts of those last few weeks with Jon. They are so difficult for me, wishing I could do so many things different or stop time or just go with him. But this week has been different. I think of him all day and find myself crying spontaneously at work, driving or cleaning pools. Will it ever get better? I take comfort that we will be again Together Forever!

The most important thing for me to deal and heal was to stay busy. That wasn't too hard with the pool business, usually from dawn until dusk. Add on the tax office for 4 hours in the middle of the day and keeping up with the house and office work, missing Jon's expertise, counsel and help.

I was talking to Mom on the phone looking out the window when I saw this Bobcat in the backyard. By the time I got the camera, he was nearly over the fence but I got a few good shots. The last time we saw a Bobcat in the back yard was about 7 years ago when Jon and I were sitting at the breakfast table. But this time, ha ha, I got his picture!

Also pictures of a few other projects, repainting the frig and repairing the power vac.

1 comment:

  1. Love the story of the Power Vac!!! It went in my journal actually!!! Love you mom, and we will make it through this year the same way we did this last year...together!!!!
