Though time may pass, the memories stay,
Reminding me of happy days . . .
Among my fondest memories are special thoughts of you
And all the many nice things you would often say and do.

There are memories of the many times
You brightened up my days.
There are memories of your kindness
And your gentle, thoughtful ways.

There are memories of your laughter
And the times you'd smile your special smile,
Just knowing how you loved life
Made it all seem so worthwhile.

And when I recall these memories
As I go without you along life's way,
I find they grow more precious
With every passing day.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Canyonlands Road Trip

After living in California almost all my life, I have finally made the trip to visit So. Utah Canyonlands: Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde, Arches, Canyonlands, Capital Reef, Bryce, Cedar Breaks, Kodachrome and Zions National Parks. It was just great and every park was so different from the others.

Mom and I each took over 1,000 pictures and I've included just a few of the best here. I have always heard about the Grand Canyon and certainly saw lots of pictures, BUT when I saw it for myself, there are no words to describe how grand it all is. Makes a person feel pretty small!

My first view of the Grand Canyon brought tears to my eyes. It is truely grand!

Mesa Verde has the cliff dweller houses. It is unbelievable how the indians literally lived in the cliffs and hiked up and out to farm or hunt.

The next few pictures are at Natural Bridges National Park. I did all the hiking at Natural Bridges because they were down, down in the canyon. I practically ran all the way down and marched back up, all at 8,000 feet. That's why Mom opted out and just waited for me at the car!

In Arches National Park, we mostly drove. But when I saw this arch in the distance, I parked along side of the road and hiked up to it while Mom stayed in the car. It was so beautiful, but I saw a man climbing around inside the arch and I heard a lot of talking. I just couldn't figure out how they got up there. When we drove down the road about a mile, there was a view point and trail leading to the arch on the front side! Oh well, I sure got some beautiful pictures from the back side.

We were told the best spot to be for a sun rise picture of this arch, so we arose at 5:30. It was almost an hour drive to the arch and a little hike to get to it. Well, the person who told us was still on California time so we were there still pitch black and had to wait an hour for the sun to come up. By then there were several expert photographers with all their high powered equipment set up right in front of the arch. Really?!? Well, I still managed to get a few good shots with my little camera, but I'll never do that again.

While in Bryce, we visited a rock shop that had huge amounts of petrified wood for sale. Some of it was very large like I am standing next to here but you could get any size to very small. This one I am standing next to costs over $14,000! Just something you could put in your back yard as a conversation piece. I thought this stuff was so amazing!

This is Bryce and it was spectacular to see it in person. The view inspires so much reverence and awe!

Lastly, we were in the Dixie National Forest at just the right time of year to see the Aspen trees changing colors. What a sight and just as beautiful as the actual canyons we were there to see.

This was certainly an experience I will never forget, and to think it was right in my backyard. We saw so many visitors from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. I live right here and it took me until now to see these wonders of the world.