I've been at Kaylinn's a few weeks now and have finally downloaded my pictures to their PC so I could share in my blog. My PC is not hooked up to internet and we couldn't figure out how to utilize the wireless feature.
I just wanted you to see the actual move from 2 weeks
ago since it will never happen again in my lifetime. Mark and Kaylinn got all the boxes down from the rafters i
n the garage and it was a huge pile of . . . well, "stuff". It took me literally 18 hours to go through it all, organize it and box it up.
There were 22 men from the ward who came to help. It was a huge honor to have so many show up and I feel it was showing t
heir respect to Jon. They had that house emptied in 3 hours. Val Toland brought his 8x10 trailer and I rented a 16' truck. We loaded them both twice and then unloaded them at the storage unit in Antioch. There were also 2 full-size work trucks loaded.
Now everything I own is in the storage unit. It is so frustrating to know I have something and need it but no way I can get to it. One storage unit is 10' X 25', the largest they had. It is stacked from wall to wall, floor to ceiling and I ran out of room. So I rented another unit 10' X 10' and it's full as well.
Just a few pictures of the empty house. It's really a final touch to see it empty and I knew you kids would appreciate the final picture.
I had a chance to go back a week later to pick up some mail the new owner had collected. No problem, right? I'll stop by after work. I turned onto Regency and I suddenly experienced a shortness of breath. Drove on up the hill hoping I could go back to the house and be alright with it all. Got to the house, drove into the driveway and just sat there. I couldn't make myself go up to the door because I didn't want to accidently glance inside and see someone else living there. So I didn't; I left and had Mark go by and pick up my mail.
Oh, by the way, our street is FINALLY getting repaved. Yep, lived there 22 years and never had the street repaired until the week after I leave. Must suck for those people who have to park 2 blocks away and walk to their house!
One side effect of this whole move is that my second wedding band was bent pretty bad and started cutting into my finger. It was swollen and infected so I had to have it cut off. Now, due to no choice of my own, I am not wearing a wedding ring and I miss it. I guess it was the only way I would take it off. I plan to join both my rings and design another ring, like maybe a heart, with the remaining diamonds and maybe a ruby to always wear in memory of my love for Jon.